
Fund News

Fund for protection of Lake Baikal took part in the 7th National Festival of Science


On 12-14 October the 7th All-Russian Festival of Science took place in Moscow. The Festival goals are to explain the society in clear and simple language what scientists do, how scientific research improves the quality of life, what prospects it opens to a contemporary person. The Festival of Science aims at introducing visitors to the successes of science - both global and domestic. That is why, in particular, the Festival of Science in Russia chose this year the motto – “Touch science!”.

Within the framework of the 7th All-Russian Festival of Science the Fund for protection of Lake Baikal organized the exhibition of Lake Baikal and the international scientific expedition Mirs at Lake Baikal. The purpose of the exhibition – is to attract public attention to the study and preservation of the unique lake.

In addition to the exhibition, on 12 October the demonstration of the documentary made by the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal To the depths of Lake Baikal took place at the House of Culture, and on 14 October hosted Chairman of the Technical Board of the FPLB A. Sagalevich (Head of the Laboratory of deep manned submersibles of The Institute of Oceanology by P.P. Shirshov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, pilot of Mir) deliver a lecture in the building of the Main Library of the Moscow State University.