
Fund News

Goals of the First Season of Khakusy Camp Fully Achieved


The final press conference of the Khakusy ecocamp arranged by the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal was held. The first experimental stage of the project that lasted for over two weeks was rich with events and finished on 23 August.

Mr Boris Danilov, Director of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal, said that the launch of the Khakusy environmental camp was successful and the camp accomplished all of its goals. The camp was attended by students and teachers of the Geography and Biology Departments of Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy and the Sport and Tourism Department of the Buryatia State University. At the final press conference they shared with the press their experiences and accomplishments.

Mr Bayr Namdakovich Naydanov, Head of the Sports Management and Tourism Department of the Physical Education, Sports and Tourism Department of the Buryatia State University, told about the camp’s success in monitoring and environmental and geographic justification of tourist activities in the unique area of Khakusy.

The conversation with the press covered urgent ecological issues. There was a lively discussion about the necessity of controlling the tourist flow to Khakusy to reduce impact on this unique natural environment. The participants of the eco-camp were ready to present a scientific and practical justification of such environmental protection strategy.

The camp director Alexei Vasilievich Semushev commented on self-organization and responsibility of campers. In addition to an intensive program, students regularly cleaned about five kilometers of the shore line.

The project participants are confident that the Khakusy ecocamp has a good chance to become a forum for sharing experience among ecologists from various cities and countries focusing on problems of Lake Baikal and developing recommendations to improve tourist infrastructure and further develop the Baikal Region.
Next year the Khakusy ecocamp will greet students and teachers from Moscow State University, Irkutsk State Technical University and other higher education institutions of Russia.